Thermal ambience

Great weather today eh? This picture proves it.
BTW -- The Easement Agreement is signed and going to the city for final approval. Email me for a copy of the document (the pdf file) or wait for a hardcopy after it's done.
That's the news that's fit to print!
The Sleeping Tree Forest.

Ideas are like images on the surface of a bubble -- reflections of a landscape beyond, seen in a way that both encompasses and distorts the external space. Call it...the expanded universe.
New pink fragrance: Eminent Emanations.

Eau de Hidden Cove. An ode to a rose with a nose for prose. Easy to suppose, harder to disclose. Is it natural? It is easily
In other news, the news that is fit to print will be printed as soon as it is fit. Developing...
That is all.
A brand new blossom in the garden.

Does a Rose need a reason to indulge our senses? This one is thriving on the opportunity...
Quelle Belle!
Community Flower Power!

We did it! Our success today was heartening and a pleasure to be a part of. Thank you -- each and every one of you -- we have an amazing neighborhood and we've taken the time to care.
The great thing about nature is how it grows. Our growth as a community can be natural likewise. We just have to maintain nature's point of view.
Make the connection!

HCPOA Meeting Scheduled for Saturday September 16, 2006.
10:00 - 11:00 AM: Meet your neighbors & share your point of view.
11:00 - Noon: Hold a meeting and elect new leadership. Discuss new business.
12PM - . Share some sushi and sandwiches.
Enjoy the day!