Bird's eye view of our nesting grounds.

Taken around noon. Nice day eh?
Only the observer is locked in time.

Continuity is its own result.
As an observer -- it is the day to day process of consciousness. As an entirety of being -- it is the vessel wrought by time and memory.
Both nest and vortex, the shape of our point of view is the scene from the inside looking out.
The whole of nature is the life that surrounds us and is the only thing that is everything all at once.
Thanks to
Cassini we can see so much more than ourselves -- even if it is waaaay out there.
Getting ready to bloom some more.

The flowers are still at it. Always on their job. Hopefully I'll get to my job and send out the latest HCPOA packets. Soon. Really soon. Like this week. For sure. Right.
The Future of Hindsight.

Crocosmia is a fast-growing network of corms, leaves and flowers. It spreads rapidly and flowers abundantly in summer. A native of South Africa, it is now found worldwide.
I just love the way the network of flowers shoot out like fireworks!
Speaking of shooting out, give a shout-out in the new comments section. The comment box is different now and you can just make up a name -- no registration required. Screen names can be anything you would like to be known as while commenting. Moderation is practiced for most conversations and a dose of humor is always appreciated. Haloscan is the comment window service and they add the commercial message to the comment window. I ignore it. For now.
This is an experiment in community appreciation so willing suspension of disbelief is encouraged. The idea is to let things develop naturally. The expectation is to move forward with an open mind.
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