Digital Flower Power

If it weren't for the internet, how could there be all this attention to detail? The picture, through its megawords, shows that we see ourselves as separate from nature. Brought into view, the image reveals simply the superficial -- that we know so much less than a bee.
Name That Tree

Everybody should know this tree -- I'm pretty sure it is the biggest one along the road. I'd guess it's over 200 feet tall! It looks like a Douglas Fir and I'll bet it was alive around the time the settlers arrived. Its somewhat crooked stance may explain why it wasn't cut down along with all the other old growth back then. I haven't a clue what it would tell me if I spoke tree.
A consociation of color.
Dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude ("He who has begun is half done: dare to know!").
Quoting Kant makes me feel like my glass is half full. Parroting Horace adds a few drops more...
The connection is, as you might naturally inquire when I say I am devoted to philosophy, to what school I belong, I forestall the inquiry by saying "to none."
Now that I know that "not knowing" is my natural state, I don't worry about my lack of alignment with an ideology. I just like to watch nature's denizens go about their business of being themselves. When it rains my cup runneth over. When it pours, I go indoors!
Taken individually, each flower is a miracle. Taken as a garden -- as in our Eden -- there is Life in excess of what is knowable.
That money will cost you information.

Title paraphrased: Information will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no information. Discuss.
By The Way (BTW in blog-speak), our intrepid newshound Nick M. discovered the reason for yesterday's power/internet outage.....
Zealous workpeople discovered an underground treasuretrove of ongoing cultural dependency. In an act of selfless yet willfull recalcitrance, these scions of neocultural zeitgist decided to abet the eradication of alternative media voices which sully and dilute the elitist paradigm of authority.
Unfortunately, once again, the folly of "trying to make things better" has only made things worse. Is there anything worse than an internet jones? Fortunately the law of unintended consequences was overturned by unilateral executive action and the free flow of information has been restored.
My ego can rest in the incandescent glow of filaments freshly modulated by an informed grid.
Here is a really nice spot along the trail.

Our HCPOA beach trail has a wonderful wetland seep by the trailside. The moisture keeps the ferns and frogs flipping and flopping all season long. I'm a sucker for a spring in the summertime.
Hidden Cove Underground...

Hidden culvert's hidden truth...the light at the end of the tunnel is the cameraman!
I don't believe we've met yet...

It may seem quizzical for an eagle to inveigle a visiting viewer's viewpoint...
But that's exactly what this bird does for a living! Blog on baby.
Pebbles thinking about forming their own beach...

These pebbles have come to the conclusion that the beach is going to have to wait. Or maybe it will come to them. It has come to this. At least now they have a point of view on the matter.
HCPOA Beach Scene

Dear Viewer,
Summer fun is just getting started! Oh Brrr says Trevor... It isn't a bathtub yet!
Hang in there guy!