That money will cost you information.

Title paraphrased: Information will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no information. Discuss.
By The Way (BTW in blog-speak), our intrepid newshound Nick M. discovered the reason for yesterday's power/internet outage.....
Zealous workpeople discovered an underground treasuretrove of ongoing cultural dependency. In an act of selfless yet willfull recalcitrance, these scions of neocultural zeitgist decided to abet the eradication of alternative media voices which sully and dilute the elitist paradigm of authority.
Unfortunately, once again, the folly of "trying to make things better" has only made things worse. Is there anything worse than an internet jones? Fortunately the law of unintended consequences was overturned by unilateral executive action and the free flow of information has been restored.
My ego can rest in the incandescent glow of filaments freshly modulated by an informed grid.
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